(Advancement Via Individual Determination)
What is AVID?
AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a structured research based College and Career Readiness System working directly with schools and districts established over 40 years ago in San Diego, California. AVID is a school-wide approach to curriculum and rigor that impacts over 2 million students in over 8,000 schools. The Boise School District first implemented AVID at Fairmont Junior High in 2006. Since then, the AVID system has been implemented in all 13 secondary sites as well as 2 elementary sites in the Boise School District.
What is AVID Elementary?
Elementary students in an AVID Elementary setting develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in middle school, high school, and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Children learn about organization, study habits, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID Elementary students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine. By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID Elementary teachers create a ripple effect in later grades.
The strong college-going culture on an AVID Elementary campus encourages students to think about their college and career plans. Schools display college pennants and banners, and educators speak about their college experiences. College and careers are no longer foreign concepts, and teachers provide the academic foundation students need to be on a path for college and career success. AVID Elementary closes the opportunity gap before it begins.
Who are AVID Elective students at the secondary level?
AVID Elective students are those students that are wanting to take advantage of the opportunity to prepare for college eligibility and success beyond high school. They are willing and able to take a more challenging college prep path which includes Advanced Placement (AP) courses, Concurrent Enrollment and courses to advance their studies with support through the AVID elective class. AVID students are typically hard working with a positive attitude, are collaborative in nature, willing to take rigorous courses, have a 2.0-4.0 GPA, possess leadership potential and have the individual determination.
What is the AVID Elective at the secondary level?
The AVID Elective class supports students as they challenge themselves in more rigorous classes. Students engage in curriculum that enhances their knowledge on note-taking, time management, organization, writing, and research while being immersed in a college-going culture. The class also includes tutorials that are facilitated by college students and provides support for success in their academically rigorous curriculum. Additionally, the AVID class provides access to information about colleges and universities through field trips, guest speakers, college tutors, scholarship opportunities, and college admission requirement information.
Contact the AVID Site Coordinator at your junior high or high school to find out more about applying for the AVID Elective.
Direct Entry Into College:

HS Class of 2015-2023
For more information about AVID, contact:
If you are interested in being an AVID Tutor contact:
For information on how you can support the AVID Elective go to: www.boiseschoolsfoundation.com.
Click the image below to watch and listen to the first graduating class of AVID students explain how AVID has helped prepare them for post-secondary success.

Click the image below to watch and listen to students and teachers explain how AVID helps prepare students for college, career and citizenship.