Meal Payment Options

Meal Prices for 2024-2025

Elementary (Month) Secondary (Month)
 Student Paid Meal Prices Breakfast  FREE
Lunch $2.60 ($52)
Breakfast  FREE
Lunch $3.10 ($62)
 Student Reduced-Price Meals Breakfast  FREE
Lunch $0.40 ($8)
 Adult Meal Prices* Breakfast $2.85 ($57)
Lunch $4.95 ($99)  
 Lunch Entree $2.65 ($53) 
 Fruit or Veggie (1/2 C)  $0.75 ($15)
 Milk $0.80 ($16)

Per month prices are based upon 20 days/month.
*Student second meals charged at the adult meal price.


Payment Options - Check or Cash Payments

Cash or checks are accepted in the cafeteria, school office or mailed to the Food & Nutrition Services office.  Checks should be made payable to BSD Food & Nutrition Services and must include the first and last name of the student(s) and student 9 digit student ID number, if available. For credit card, debit card and electronic check payments see the MySchoolBucks section below.


MySchoolBucks - Online Payments

MySchoolBucks is a safe, secure online payment system that can be used to fund student meal accounts with a debit or credit card. You can make one-time payments, set up autopay and low balance alerts, or monitor transactions.

MySchoolBucks is:

  • Easy: To set up an account you need the school, student name, student birthdate or 9-digit student ID#.
  • Convenient: Once the account is established you can check balances, monitor transactions, and set up low balance text or email notifications at no cost.

NOTE: MySchoolBucks charges a fee for each transaction for online payments.


Meal Account Payment and Charge Procedure 

The Boise School District Meal Account Payment and Charge Procedure can be found here. Please read it carefully and contact our office with questions. To assure your student has access to meals, it is important their food service meal account has funds available. 


Refunds, Transfers, Donations

Boise School District accepts donations anytime throughout the year to help families in need pay for meals. Please contact Food & Nutrition Services at 208-854-4098.

Students leaving the District with a positive meal account balance (due to a move, graduation, etc.) have until June 30th of the current school year to claim their meal account money. 

  • Paid status accounts:  Families can choose to receive a refund, to transfer the funds to another student's meal account in the District, or to donate the funds to assist other families with unpaid meal charges.
  • Free or reduced status accounts: USDA regulations prevent these families from donating their funds. Families can choose to receive a refund or to transfer the funds to another student’s meal account in the District.

Refunds for less than $10 must be made in cash at the school or by contacting the Food & Nutrition Services office at 208-854-4098. Refund checks for less than $10 cannot be issued. To request a refund (for $10 or more), a transfer, or to donate funds, please click on the following link to make the request:  Refund-Transfer-Donation Form.


Online Payments

Online Payments: MySchoolBucks-NEW-web

Online payments are a simple, safe, and secure way to put money on your student's meal account 24 hours a day at your convenience.

Food & Nutrition Services
6625 S. Elite Dr.
Boise, Idaho  83716
Office (208) 854-4090
Fax    (208) 854-4021
[email protected]