Meal applications
If you think your household qualifies for free or reduced priced meals, you are encouraged to complete an online meal application using the links provided below. Paper applications (in a variety of languanges) are available by calling 208-854-4098. Free language assistance services are available upon request.
Apply now! Click on a link below to access the online meal application
Need help or have an application question?
Call 208-854-4098 or email [email protected]
Who qualifies for free meals without submitting a meal application
Eligibility for free and reduced price meals is determined based on your household income and the number of household members (see Eligibility Guidelines below).
Your student automatically qualifies for free meals (without the need for a meal application) in the following situations:
- Breakfast is free at all schools.
- Breakfast and lunch is free for all students attending the following Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Schools: Fairmont, Frank Church, Garfield, Grace Jordan, Hawthorne, Hillcrest, Horizon, Jefferson, Koelsch, Lowell, Lincoln ECC, Monroe, Morley Nelson, Mountain View, Owyhee, South, Taft, Valley View, Whitney and Whittier.
- Supper meals are free for children who are enrolled in after-school enrichment programs at Grace Jordan, Hawthorne, Hillcrest, Horizon, Jefferson, Koelsch, Morley Nelson, Taft, Whitney, Whittier, Hillside, and South
- Breakfast and lunch is free for students who are directly certified (are members of a household receiving assistance under food stamps-SNAP, Temporary Assistance for Families in Idaho-TAFI, Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations-FDPIR, migrant, and foster programs) and students who are certified by the proper liaison as homeless or runaway.
Who should complete an application for free and reduced priced meals
Households with incomes at or below these income limits (click the link below) may be eligible for free or reduced priced meals. These prices are effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines for SY24-25
How to complete an application for free or reduced priced meals
- A new meal application is needed each school year. Only 2024-2025 applications can be accepted. All applications approved last school year will expire on September 25, 2024.
- Meal applications may be submitted at any time during the year.
- Only one application is needed per household.
- Households must list the name of all household members, each household member’s income and the source of income (foster children can be included on the household meal application). If a household member doe not have income, the no income box must be checked.
- An adult signature is required along with the last 4 digits of the adult’s social security number. If a social security number is not available, that information must be indicated on the meal application.
- Boise School District Food & Nutrition Services officials will review the meal applications and determine eligibility. Information submitted on the application may be subject to verification at any time during the school year.
- If you do not agree with the District's decision regrading our application or the result of verification, you may discuss it with the Food & Nutrition Services office. You also have the right to a fair hearing. This can be done by calling (208-854-4098) or by writing our office.
- Once approved, meal benefits are good for the entire school year.
- The program MAY share your eligibility information with other District education programs to help them evaluate, fund, or determine benefits for their programs, auditors for program reviews, and law enforcement officials to help them look into violations of program rules.