Secondary Curriculum

Boise School District's own teachers and supervisors develop our district curriculum, aligning it with the Idaho Core Standards as well as finding resources to support it.

If you have any questions about the curriculum, feel free to contact the following Content Supervisors:

Curriculum Department Supervisor Phone
Chief Academic Officer
Jodie Mills
Career Technical Education Chelsie Wilson 854-5845
Computer Science
Shelly Wray 854-4138
Counseling Jason Shanks 854-7235
English Language Arts Faith Reader 854-4137
Fine & Performing Arts Benjamin Simmonds 854-4155
Gifted Program  Helga Frankenstein 854-4101
Health Darryl Gerber 854-4058
Mathematics Shelly Wray 854-4138
Physical Education Benjamin Simmonds 854-4155
Science Darryl Gerber 854-4058
Social Studies Dani Backer 854-7110
Sustainability Alison Ward  854-4106
World Languages Dani Backer 854-7110

Boise District Service Center
8169 W. Victory Rd.
Boise, ID 83706
