Title IX - What is Title IX?

Title IX

Title IX

Sexual Misconduct
Know Your Rights

What is Title IX?
A Federal Regulation that protects everyone, both students and staff, from sexual misconduct and discrimination regardless of:
*Sexual Orientation
*Gender Identity
*Gender Expression

This means you have a right to be free from:
*Unequal treatment in educational programs or employment
*Sexual Harassment, such as unwelcome sexual advances, stalking or harassment on social media,
*Sexual violence, such as sexual assault, dating violence or domestic violence

For more information or to report potential Title IX concerns, please contact:
Your building administrator or Boise School District Title IX Coordinator

The Independent School District of Boise City
Jason Hutchison, Title IX Coordinator
Telephone Number:  208-900-7081
Email:   [email protected]
8169 W. Victory Rd.
Boise, ID 83709